Helping Universities and Research Institutions
Provide Career Development for Researchers
- Training in Strategic Career Planning -
- Time Management - Networking -
- Leadership for ECRs -
Our training in career development for researchers
How we help you support career development for your researchers
From the university admin perspective, it was remarkable how little effort and time we had to put into the programme. Having said this, the programme organisers were also flexible when it came to making adjustments according to our needs and preconditions.
We at Lund University made evaluations along the pilot programme [of Postdoc Career Success]. I've never seen responses like the ones we got - to see (almost feel) the motivation within a group of employees newly empowered, makes an HR person happy in a way that very few other things do!"
Åsa Thormählen, International HR Officer, Lund University, Sweden
Good career training and mentoring are essential for all early career researchers - but they can be very hard to find. For more than 10 years now, PostdocTraining has been providing comprehensive, balanced advice with practical tools, all tailored to researchers and delivered in a way that suits the time-poor. It's the support I wish I'd had when I started as a researcher!"
Dr Kerstin Fritsches, Founder and Head Coach, PostdocTraining
Academic institutions that have engaged us to provide career development training for their researchers

Interested to learn more about how we can help you provide career development for researchers?
Please contact us, we will be delighted to discuss your requirements and ideas.
What researchers say about our career development training
"I got a lot out of the program, it was easy to do, flexible, didn't take up much time in the week and was very insightful! I would highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more about their strengths, weaknesses and future work directions."
"Excellent program, set up, and the way it was presented. This needs to be an integrated part of any RHD program. In a fast-changing world, academics/researcher need to be aware of their transferable skills to be able to match them with the world beyond academia, in particular as only 10-15% get employment at unis after completion of their higher degree."
"The program helped me to identify what I want to with my career in the future, to understand what is important for my personal development and how this influences my career choices. I feel more prepared to look for jobs and less worried about the future."
1,770 participants, 52 groups,
13 institutions, 4 countries
Participation data 2015 to 2023
"This program is fantastic! It offered structured guidance on a multitude of topics of relevance to postdocs from any discipline and I have personally found it extremely helpful in terms of boosting time management, productivity, and motivation."
"This was a really great program and I think the postdoc training team did an amazing job developing both useful and basic tools. From my mastermind group I can see how helpful the class has been to people at all levels of postdoc career development."
"The course was well prepared and organised. It provides you the structure to work on and develop your career. It covers all the main aspects of career-related work for scientists, even those that you normally do not focus on (like organisation and communication)... For me personally it lowers the stress-level and anxiety connected with working in a highly competitive and high achieving world of academia."
1,370 participants, 35 groups,
10 institutions, 4 countries
Participation data 2013 to 2023
"The workshop helped me see my current challenges from a new and more positive perspective. I left the workshop with concrete ideas on how to strategise my career planning further."
"I found the material engaging, well presented, and provided opportunities for reflection and feedback. The presenter was knowledgeable and provided good examples. She was also very receptive to questions and comments, and provided answers / reflected on these. I enjoyed the mix of break out rooms, and providing feedback in the big group."
"Very good format that was well suited for online. The workshop was time efficient and introspective, which I appreciate rather then a series of cliché lectures. The lessons were quite general but structured in a way that you can make it applicable to yourself and take concrete actions based on the content."
3,730 participants, 150 workshops,
20 institutions, 5 countries
Participation data 2012 to 2023
How we work with you as a manager of PhD candidates, postdocs and other early career researchers
Interested to learn more about how we can help you provide career development for researchers?
Please contact us, we will be delighted to discuss your requirements and ideas.