News Update Two 2019

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???Two | 2019

A selection of current news items for managers of Early Career Researchers.

Research matters

What drives research productivity? A North American study explores factors affecting ECRs' productivity and rules out the 'pedigree' of their doctoral program.

Partnering with industry. Academics' concerns about industry collaborations are many, but so are the benefits if the partnership fits

Block funding of research? A sociologist and workplace change expert is championing systemic change in the way research is funded, to reduce destructive competition and improve equity and productivity.

Four horseman, no apocalypse. A senior professor says standard practices have allowed flawed research to flourish, but tips an easing of the reproducibility crisis.

Fact and influence. The fast-growing fact-checking service Metafact offers a way for researchers to push back against the spread of misinformation and see their own expertise make a positive impact.

Hard times, harsh words. A humanities faculty member reflects on the tough realities of life for PhD students and non-tenure researchers, and calls for systemic change to academic culture.

Should authors call time on paywall journals? An advocate for open access publishing argues individual researchers can no longer avoid the debate.

Null and boring. New journal SURE may become an important role model, in a world of publishing usually biased towards novel, positive research results.

Management matters

Development drivers. THE's university rankings have evolved beyond research and teaching metrics, introducing measures for societal impact and innovation.

Canary in the academic coal mine. A milestone in US PhD employment data coincides with an upsurge in effort by institutions to track the career outcomes of their own PhD graduates and postdocs.

Exploring internships. An external internship during a PhD offers a way for candidates to turn their research light-bulb back on, not to mention workplace experience, confidence and connections to fire up their career thinking.

Distress call. International research has identified isolation - social, geographical, cultural and technical -  as a major factor affecting researchers' well-being and performance.

Curbing stress. Mental health is a major issue in research, so what can academia learn from the medical training arena about reducing stress and burnout?

Authoring your story. A research career specialist suggests we think of careers as books with chapters, with all this implies about things like authorship and the episodic nature of our choices.

Three cheers for peer support. A research manager explains how administrators and researchers get by better with a little help from their friends.

360-degree view. It's a big step, but seeking feedback on your performance from people you supervise and mentor can do wonders for your skills and the strength of your team.

Personal press

In with the new. Leadership change in academia is constant and thinking about your approach to new management can pay dividends.

Speaking truth to power. Ever-green advice on when to disagree with senior colleagues and how to do it effectively.

The art of letting go. Learning to delegate is essential for any emerging leader, so what does it take to let go of tasks and do it effectively?

Ring a bell? The name may not be familiar, but anyone involved in teams and committees in research management has seen the 'Ringelmann Effect' at work.

Blame the boss. What's holding us back may just be... us.

Informed choices. Three simple questions to use as a 'gut check' as to whether a position will let you stay true to yourself and your goals.

Don't ask, won't get. Good pay and conditions play a big part in allowing you to do any new job well, and that's all the justification you need to negotiate; plus, a negotiation expert explains how.

Email etiquette. Your inbox does not need to rule your life, but it should be a priority.

A full diary vs. a full life. An advocate of 'self-compassion' shares the recipe for less busy-ness and more living with purpose.

PostdocTraining Update

Would your PhD candidates benefit from help with career planning? Are you looking for a flexible and scaleable training solution for all candidates at different locations?

Why not trial a pilot group in our Career Control for Researchers online program? The last cycle of the program for 2019 starts on 9 September.

We hope you find this brief news digest helpful.
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